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发布者:江苏安迪盛     浏览次数:1474     发布时间:2018-10-01


The rotary dehumidifier can solve the following practical problems.
1, prevent condensation: if the dew point temperature in the air is lower than the temperature on the surface of the object. There will be no condensation on the surface of the object. Condensation may cause a series of problems such as corrosion or short circuit system.
2. Prevent the goods from dampness and deterioration: The quality of medicines, food, sugar and other damp-prone articles can only be guaranteed in low relative humidity environment. If your product is easy to absorb moisture and deteriorate, you should consider dehumidification. Some products require very low humidity environments, such as instant drinks, and must use an adsorption dehumidifier.
3, reduce odour: if the relative humidity is below 50%, the odour will be reduced. For example, the installation of dehumidifiers at sewage treatment stations can control the spread of odors.
4. Corrosion protection: steel does not rust easily when the relative humidity is less than 50%. Dehumidification is a more effective and economical option for protecting your assets than coating varnish. For example, bridges, power stations, ships (during maintenance and operation) and offshore buildings are the most typical dehumidification applications.
5. Building dehumidification: the most effective method is to use adsorption dehumidification, whether it is a newly built or a waterlogged building. Heating is only transferring steam to other parts of the building. Heating and ventilation will result in high energy consumption. Adsorption dehumidification is an effective way to save energy in building dehumidification.
6, prevent moldy: when the relative humidity of the surrounding air is below 70%, it can prevent mould from becoming moldy. In some cases, dehumidification is very important, such as storage of wooden products. Dehumidifiers are usually installed in houses with basement.
7, bacteria: bacteria need to survive and reproduce in a humid environment. Hygroscopic substances are usually hotbeds of bacterial breeding. If the relative temperature of ambient air is below 50%, most bacteria will not be able to reproduce.

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