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发布者:admin     浏览次数:1926     发布时间:2017-10-25

The core component dehumidifier is a honeycomb like runner, runner by the special ceramic fiber carrier and the active compound from silica gel; wheels on both sides of the sealing unit by a special divided into two areas: processing area and a regeneration area; when dehumidifying moist air through the runner region when steam is adsorbed the activity of silica gel wheel, dry air is fan sent to the need of space; continuous slow rotation of the wheel became saturated with water vapor into the regeneration zone; high temperature air reverse blowing regeneration zone makes the runner in the adsorption desorption by water, by a fan from outside, thus the wheel back the moisture absorption ability and complete the regeneration process; rotary constant rotation, dehumidification and regeneration of the cycle, so as to ensure the continued stability of the desiccant dehumidifier State.
The water molecules in the air are absorbed by hydrophilic groups in the microporous silica gel, and the condensation of the capillary structure in the micropores also absorbs a large number of water molecules.
The heated air enters the regeneration zone to increase its temperature, the water molecules adsorbed in the micropores are activated, the adsorption capacity becomes weaker, and the water molecules are discharged from the microporous silica gel.


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